Barbers and Beauticians Virtual Meeting

Barbershop.jpgAfter the health care workers on the front lines dealing with Coronavirus victims, perhaps no group has been hit harder these last two months than barbers and beauticians.  Many are independent operators with no other source of household income.  Lifetimes of work building a business are sometimes coming to an end.

Does it have to be this way?

Some states are allowing salons and barbershops to open with some needed precautions.  What is possible in Illinois?

Sign up to join our zoom conference on Tuesday, April 28th, at 10:00 am.  On the call we'll have a variety of legislative leaders present to hear concerns and suggestions from barbers and beauticians.  Ideas about how to safely open can be shared as well as concerns about opening too soon or too late.

We want to hear from those you most affected by the Executive Order closing barber shops and beauty salons.  We hope you can join us.

After you sign up, you'll receive an email on Monday with the information to log into the Zoom meeting.

This meeting will also be streamed on the Brad Halbrook Facebook page. 

April 28, 2020 at 10:00am - 11am
On Line
Shelbyville, IL 62565
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?

Showing 113 reactions

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  • Marilyn Greenwell
    rsvped 2020-05-07 13:22:15 -0500
  • Cynthia Wasko-Learnard
    commented 2020-04-28 16:11:43 -0500
    Please share streamed event for those that couldn’t log in. Thank you.
  • Lyndsey Crissey
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:41:07 -0500
  • Courtney Honchell
    followed this page 2020-04-28 10:31:39 -0500
  • Jeanette Noggle
    canceled rsvp 2020-04-28 10:25:35 -0500
  • Angie Davis
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:17:08 -0500
  • Carla Pollman
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:16:41 -0500
  • Jeannie schabbing
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:14:26 -0500
  • Tresa Vaughn-Buchanan
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:06:11 -0500
  • Marian Brisard
    rsvped 2020-04-28 10:00:23 -0500
  • Nikki Hoene
    rsvped 2020-04-28 09:58:37 -0500
  • Jeanette Noggle
    rsvped 2020-04-28 09:54:41 -0500
  • Rachel Wilson
    rsvped 2020-04-28 09:46:07 -0500
  • Krystal Cummings
    rsvped 2020-04-28 09:01:23 -0500
  • Courtney Honchell
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:58:44 -0500
  • Cynthia Wasko-Learnard
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:35:33 -0500
  • Jennifer Goulding
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:20:27 -0500
  • Maddie McCarty
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:13:20 -0500
  • jerri seitz
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:10:31 -0500
  • Angela Ryan
    rsvped 2020-04-28 08:04:53 -0500
  • Carol Reynolds
    rsvped 2020-04-28 07:50:40 -0500
  • Stacey Earleywine
    rsvped 2020-04-27 22:25:36 -0500
  • Sara Gallagher
    rsvped 2020-04-27 22:06:19 -0500
  • Denise Costello
    rsvped 2020-04-27 22:04:57 -0500
  • Andrea Kessinger
    rsvped 2020-04-27 21:27:54 -0500
  • Nancy Schell
    rsvped 2020-04-27 21:22:24 -0500
  • Kara Granadino
    rsvped 2020-04-27 21:18:58 -0500
  • sondra diss
    rsvped 2020-04-27 21:16:19 -0500
  • Chelsey Chupp
    rsvped 2020-04-27 21:01:42 -0500
  • Ashley Stiger
    rsvped 2020-04-27 20:53:26 -0500