Letter Circulating in the IL House to Save Scholarship Program 5.18.23

For Immediate Release

Contact:  [email protected]

May 18, 2023

Letter Circulating in the IL House to Save Scholarship Program 5.18.23

“The only kernel of school choice that exists in the State of Illinois is the “Invest in Kids Act”, and unless there is significant pushback, Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Chicago Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson and others in the state legislature are going to kill the program for low-income, working-class families when it comes up for renewal this legislative session,” said State Representative Brad Halbrook.

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State Representative Brad Halbrook Appointed Minority Spokesman for Government Services Appropriations Committee 2.2.23


February 2, 2023

CONTACT:  [email protected]

State Representative Brad Halbrook Appointed Minority Spokesman for

Government Services Appropriations Committee

“I look forward to returning as the minority spokesman on the General Services Appropriations Committee.  The committee has some bi-partisan moments where we discuss efficiencies important to saving taxpayer dollars,” said Rep. Halbrook. 

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State Representative Brad Halbrook Joins Lawsuit Over Gun Ban Law 1.27.23


January 27, 2023

CONTACT:  [email protected] or 217.774.1306

State Representative Brad Halbrook Joins Lawsuit Over Gun Ban Law

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I warned You....And Then

Last Summer, my colleagues and I traveled around Central and Southern Illinois visiting our primary sources of energy in this state and laid out the arguments opposing SB 2408 the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA).  We told you it would increase prices and lead to less energy production in Illinois.  Now all of our arguments are proving correct.  Please read the article below, but also understand that I predict there will be a reversal of policy out of necessity, but not before we spend millions of dollars on intermittent, expensive renewable energy projects that also violate farmers’ property rights.

This is unacceptable. Stay tuned for more information.

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Parental Notification

JB Pritzker Continues War on Families by Signing Extreme Abortion Bill into Law

 State Reps. Brad Halbrook, Dan Caulkins, Blaine Wilhour, Adam Niemerg and Chris Miller: Parents need to know when their children are seeking abortion

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2021 Down on the Farm Photos - Arcola, IL 07.24/21

State Representative Brad Halbrook's Down on the Farm - Arcola, IL 07.24/21

Click the "Read more" link below to see more photos

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The Church

The following is are the summary key points that follow from my previous publication A Message To The Church: COVID19 Restrictions and Freedom of Religion.  For the full document please visit https://bit.ly/CovidReligiousLiberty

Art refuge


The Church: A Refuge in A Time of Need

By KrisAnne Hall, JD

  • Throughout all of history the church has been an essential part of society.
  • Throughout American culture and tradition the church house was not just the place for spiritual gatherings but the hub of society.
  • In American settlements the churches were often the very first buildings to be built in a community.
  • Churches have been, for generations, the common meeting place where the local community received key information about cultural and political events, and even world affairs.
  • The Church is a place where people turn for help and for comfort in a climate of fear and uncertainty.
  • Even people who do not attend church regularly, or perhaps never go to church, commonly view the church as somewhere for them to go when they need help.
  • Throughout history the church has been viewed as an essential part of society, a refuge in time of trouble or need, a place of peace and a sanctuary for the weary, even a place of healing and provision.
  • Because of the historical and cultural role of churches in American history, the church house is the perfect place for a safe haven to be established in this current time of need.
  • Not only are churches culturally viewed as a place of refuge:
    • The facilities of the church are designed to accommodate large groups of people in need of assistance, shelter, and nourishment.
    • The people of the church are trained to facilitate large gatherings of people
    • The body of the church is practiced in the function of efficiently and equitably distributing aid
    • Churches are established throughout communities and can easily become coordination centers to aid in crisis recovery
    • Many churches already have established ministries that are already established distribution centers for clothing or bulk food items, a shelter, a childcare center, a communication center, or an information center for other organizations.
  • Churches make the perfect place for information staging areas for volunteers or work units and often provide their own ready pool of volunteers; providing transportation, assistance for services needed, and certain staff and members are already trained to provide counseling and assistance for special needs.
  • Because of the nature of the church as a body of those in service to others, the church can also serve as a training ground for those who wish to volunteer but have no previous experience in that service.
  • The church is not only historically a place of spiritual deliverance but an essential part of the organization of society and its physical preservation.
  • The church may not be the only place where people can gather, but it is traditionally one of the first places people turn to for help and one of the few places where many feel free to receive the help they need.

Learn YOUR Constitution at LibertyFirstUniversity.com - The Constitution as if the founders themselves were teaching it.  An education worthy of the highestest institutions of learning because they won't teach truth anymore!

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Mandatory Vaccinations & Their Impact Upon Religious Liberty

By KrisAnne Hall, JD


America was established upon the principles of Liberty.  James Madison said wrote in 1792:

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property; other property depending in part on positive law, the exercise of that, being a natural and unalienable right. To guard a man's house as his castle, to pay public and enforce private debts with the most exact faith, can give no title to invade a man's conscience which is more sacred than his castle..."

A new plea of "necessity" is sweeping across America that could change all of that.  State Legislation that eliminates the essential exception to mandatory vaccinations would remove the right of free exercise of religion for Americas all across the country by mandating them to engage in behavior contrary to their religious beliefs.  Americans must prevent this unreasonable intrusion and head the warning of those who founded America.  William Pitt, The Younger warned in 1783:

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom: it is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves."

Mandating vaccinations without offering parents religious exemptions threatens religious freedom for all.  Vaccinations have been available to Americans since the early 1800s.  Once governments began attempting to mandate vaccinations upon citizens, many people began to object.  This is not simply an issue of eradicating disease; it goes much deeper than that. 

Many religious faiths hold murder to be a violation of their beliefs and hold abortion to fall into the category of murder.  Shockingly, the list of mandatory vaccinations for children include vaccinations that are derived from aborted fetal tissue.  Vaccinations for Chicken Pox, Hepatitis-A, and Rubella, are produced from aborted fetal tissue and at this time, pharmaceutical companies offer no alternatives. According to a report issued by Liberty Counsel, most physicians who oppose abortion do not realize these vaccines are produced from aborted fetal tissue. 

The Rubella vaccination know as RA/27/3,  developed during the Rubella epidemic of 1964, is so named based on the fact that it is derived from aborted fetal tissue: R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant.  In layman’s terms, there were 26 abortions prior to identifying the right formula for the vaccination.  Aborted babies were sent to two scientists at the Wistar Institute by the names of Plotkin and Hayflick.  By dissecting the kidneys and lungs of these aborted babies Plotkin and Hayflick developed the  virus strain identified as WI-38 (Wistar Institute 38).  Further development of this vaccination was created in the 1970’s from a male baby at 14 weeks gestation. (HistoryOfVaccinies.org – Human Cell Strains in Vaccine Development)  The cells from these aborted babies have also been used to create many other commonly used vaccinations, two of which are the Hepatitis-A and Chicken Pox vaccinations.  With these facts we can discern that even vaccinations that may not actually contain aborted fetal tissue, were actually developed initially using the cells of aborted babies. (see Liberty Counsel report).

Not only does the Chicken Pox vaccination contain strains derived from aborted babies, it also contains monosodium glutamate (MSG), a chemical compound the FDA has identified as dangerous to infants, children, pregnant women or women of child bearing age, and people with mental or emotional disorders.  According to the Liberty Counsel report, Dr. Arthur Lavin of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, strongly opposes the chicken pox vaccine.  Some experts believe the Chicken Pox vaccination can actually signal a more serious underlying chronic condition called “Atypical Measles.” (see Liberty Counsel report)  Although the FDA claims less than a 10% chance that serious illness and death caused by vaccinations, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (a federal government program) pays nearly $100 million per year to victims and families for vaccine related disabilities and deaths.

In addition to the dangers and use of aborted babies to create vaccines, many people simply hold sincerely religious beliefs against vaccinations in general.  One religious objection is the firmly held belief that God created the human body as a temple and that the body should not be destroyed by injecting a virus into it. 

Although a few of the vaccinations containing aborted babies have alternatives that do not contain aborted baby tissue, those alternatives do contain animal bi-products.  There are many people in Florida that have firmly held convictions against ingesting any animal products into their bodies. 

Mandatory vaccinations that are designed to prevent sexually transmitted diseases also create problems for those with particular religious convictions.  These parents believe sexually transmitted diseases ought to be prevented through abstinence and not injections into the body that condone sexual activity contrary to their religious beliefs.

There are less intrusive ways to deal with these issues and the courts are not inconsiderate of the rights of those with deeply held religious beliefs.  For example, Liberty Counsel won two cases in New York City where the school system attempted to mandate the Hepatitis-B vaccination on the children of two families.  These families expressed their sincerely held religious beliefs against vaccinations and the schools expelled the children of both families.  Liberty Counsel filed a federal law suit on behalf of both families and the federal court held that the children had to be readmitted to school and the school could not force the parents to vaccinate their children. 

In another case, Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit against Arkansas’s law mandating vaccinations and denying religious exceptions.  Because of Liberty Counsel’s law suit, the Arkansas legislature promptly passed new legislations providing for exemptions for philosophical and religious objectors, as well as objectors who claim medical necessity.

We cannot allow our State Representatives to simply disregard the Religious Liberty of the people.  America’s founders fought desperately to establish a place where all could be equally free to live true to their religious beliefs without government intrusion.  The very principle of separation of church and state requires government to not infringe upon the religious beliefs of the people. 

John Witherspoon, a founder of America and former president of Princeton University said, “There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire.” The People of Florida intentionally established religious exemptions to mandatory vaccinations to protect the essential rights embodied in religious liberty. For the preservation of civil and religious liberty for all, Americans must preserve our Right to conscience: we must protect religious exemptions!

Learn more at KrisAnneHall.com

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