Rules 2025

Illinois House Democrats Reject Transparency and Fairness with New House Rules  

Springfield, IL – At the beginning of each new General Assembly, the Illinois House of Representatives debates and adopts the Rules that govern the chamber’s operations. Today, Illinois House Democrats, who hold a supermajority, voted to maintain the status quo, rejecting critical Republican calls for transparency, equity, and fairness in the legislative process.  

These Rules continue to deny over 4 million Illinoisans represented by House Republicans a fair voice in the legislature. Instead of adopting changes to promote open debate and representative democracy, House Democrats opted to preserve a system that stifles meaningful participation.  


Key Failures in the Adopted Rules  

1. Insufficient Review Period for Budget Bills:  

Current rules provide only one hour of advance notice before appropriations bills are acted upon. This timeline is insufficient for proper review and fosters an environment where budgets are passed in the dead of night without public knowledge or input. House Republicans proposed a 24-hour waiting period to allow citizens and lawmakers time to review and weigh in on budget proposals.  

2. Unilateral Power of the Rules Committee:  

The Rules Committee retains its stranglehold on the legislative process, mirroring the centralized power structure of the Madigan era. This committee continues to act as a graveyard for good legislation, preventing bills with bipartisan support from advancing.  

3. Failure to Guarantee Hearings for Bills:  

The adopted rules do not require bills with broad bipartisan support to receive a committee hearing. House Republicans proposed requiring a hearing and vote for any bill with at least five co-sponsors from each party.  

Speaking Out for Transparency 

On the House floor, I addressed the importance of HR 24, which would require committee and task force audio recordings to be accessible on the General Assembly website within 24 hours. Transparency and accountability are cornerstones of a healthy democracy. Ensuring that Illinoisans can review these recordings in a timely manner would provide much-needed insight into the legislative process and restore faith in our government.  

Unfortunately, House Democrats voted against this essential reform, choosing secrecy over openness.  

House Republican Proposals Ignored 

House Republicans introduced a series of common-sense reforms to restore transparency and ensure fair representation:  

HR 16: Closing loopholes that allow resolutions to bypass standard procedures.  

HR 17: Guaranteeing hearings for bills with bipartisan co-sponsors.  

HR 19: Establishing a 24-hour review period for appropriations bills.  

HR 24: Ensuring committee and task force audio recordings are accessible within 24 hours.  

HR 26: Allowing each member to designate one priority bill for a guaranteed hearing.  

Despite these good-faith efforts, House Democrats voted to reject these reforms, perpetuating a system that disenfranchises millions of Illinoisans.  

Speaker Welch’s Hollow Promises 

Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch claimed in his remarks that he is committed to fostering civility, respect, and collaboration in the chamber, stating:  

"Everyone who is here to work in good faith and pursue the common good will find common cause with me. Everyone who values civility and respect will find that we have a strong foundation to work from."*  

Yet the actions of House Democrats today tell a different story. By rejecting reforms that would return power to the people, Speaker Welch and his caucus have prioritized partisan control over the common good.  

A Missed Opportunity for Reform

Illinois deserves a government that values transparency, accountability, and fairness. House Republicans remain committed to fighting for reforms that give every Illinoisan a voice in the legislative process. The people of Illinois deserve better than the failed status quo that House Democrats have chosen to preserve.  


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