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Top 40 Most earned political capital

Brad Halbrook
+2080sc earned social capital

Rich Holm
+754sc earned social capital

Charly Anderson
+737sc earned social capital

Carolyn Halbrook
+500sc earned social capital

John Holley
+471sc earned social capital

Gary Clem
+441sc earned social capital

Kirby Brannan
+436sc earned social capital
Charles Lewis
+401sc earned social capital

Kim Mathias
+377sc earned social capital

Donna Throneburg
+338sc earned social capital

Don Boyd
+333sc earned social capital

Neal Wood
+291sc earned social capital
Charles and Diane Anderson
+280sc earned social capital

Nancy Hogan
+279sc earned social capital

Ross Wilson
+279sc earned social capital

Rick Davis
+277sc earned social capital

Dan Caulkins
+275sc earned social capital

Robert Spencer
+273sc earned social capital

Kenneth Cooley
+271sc earned social capital

Marilyn Gray
+264sc earned social capital

Heath Sims
+256sc earned social capital

Judy Lines
+246sc earned social capital

Kyle Blackerby
+245sc earned social capital

Ralph Falconbury
+240sc earned social capital
Greg Cochran
+221sc earned social capital

Ceal Pilcher
+215sc earned social capital

Anna Herschberger
+211sc earned social capital

Matthew Holley
+205sc earned social capital

Janet Blade
+202sc earned social capital

Jim Allen
+200sc earned social capital

Kathy Elzy
+199sc earned social capital

Linda Debolt
+195sc earned social capital

Brad Halbrook for State Representative
+190sc earned social capital
Lori Nelson
+189sc earned social capital

Kressie Maricle
+188sc earned social capital

Darin Miller
+188sc earned social capital

Diane Roberts
+183sc earned social capital

David Paul Blumenshine
+183sc earned social capital

Erica Firnhaber
+182sc earned social capital

Landon Rauch
+178sc earned social capital
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